Name: "fa_wmp"; Description: "Make Windows Media Player the default player for:"; Components: "NOT player\mpclassic AND (filters\mp4 OR video\3ivx\dec OR filters\matroska OR filters\ogg OR (qt\directshow AND qt\codec) OR (real\directshow AND real\codec))";
Name: "fa_wmp\ogm"; Description: "Ogg (.ogm)"; Components: "NOT player\mpclassic AND filters\ogg";
Name: "fa_wmp\mkv"; Description: "Matroska (.mkv)"; Components: "NOT player\mpclassic AND filters\matroska";
Name: "fa_wmp\mp4"; Description: ".mp4"; Components: "NOT player\mpclassic AND (filters\mp4 OR video\3ivx\dec)";
Name: "fa_wmp\qt"; Description: "QuickTime (.mov etc)"; Components: "qt\directshow AND qt\codec AND NOT player\mpclassic";
Name: "fa_wmp\real"; Description: "RealMedia (.rm .ram .rmvb etc) (Note: WMP can only play RealMedia files from your harddrive, it will NOT be able to play streaming RealMedia content)"; Components: "real\directshow AND real\codec AND NOT player\mpclassic";